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      Add our celebrity birthday list to your site, for free. Just copy the following code and paste it into your web page.

      Please provide any feedback regarding problems with this feature, or ways to improve it.

      Today’s Celebrity Birthdays
      Jane Wyman is 93
      Christopher Meloni is 11
      Julia Ormond is 42
      Victor Vallejo is 99
      Rick Hearst is 42
      Shaun McCarthy is 34
      Patrick Cassidy is 45
      Yvan Attal is 42
      Michael Stipe is 47
      Shinsuke Kyo is 43
      Celebrity Birthday List

      You can customize the look of the the birthday box. There are four color settings that can be modified, along with the width of the table. These settings are in the JavaScript code that you will copy and paste into your site.

      $cbl_width – Change this setting to adjust the width of the table.
      $cbl_border_color – This color setting is used for the border of the table.
      $cbl_text_color – This setting controls the color of the text.
      $cbl_heading_background_color – This color settings is used for the background of the header.
      $cbl_content_background_color – This color setting is used for the background on the content.

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